UNDER DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE QUANTITATIVE ANALYSES Technology OF solid/bulk MATERIALS which contributes to monitor production chemical composition and improve process quality control in INDUSTRIAL FLOW

With rapidly changing market conditions, strong competition, increasing consumer market quality standards and stricter environmental regulation laws, the product quality monitoring and analysis of production parameters directly on the production line is of key important solution in achieving the most efficient quality management standards of end product. Efficient automatic process management is not possible without measurement of parameters that needs to be controlled (temperature, composition, various physical or chemical properties, etc.). For this reason, the world market for process analytical technologies has been growing substantially in the recent years.

Quantitative analysis of bulk products is relevant in various industries (chemistry, mining, food, medicines, etc.). So far, there is no effective solution on the market to monitor the quality of such products in industrial flows in real time. To date, measurements of this kind are carried out in laboratories using wet chemistry, where the preparation of the sample requires long, careful work, skilled personnel, but this does not exclude “human error”, so the results of the measurement are often inaccurate, and the process itself is long and costly.

After assessing market demand, expectations and prospects, Sprana Ltd. together with Quantum Light Instruments Ltd. in 2020 launched the project “Technology for the quantitative analysis of solid/bulk materials with FTIR-ATR in industrial streams (TEANSO-FTIR)”. In this project R&D studies will be carried out to increase the accuracy of FTIR-ATR quantification method of solid/bulk materials and a prototype of advanced FTIR-ATR measurement technology will be developed, which will allow quickly and precisely measure the quantitative composition (concentration) of the production during the production process (on-line). The outcome of the project will improve the management of production processes and control of production quality.

The project is implemented under the research, development and innovation program (in Lithuanian – MTTPI) named “Experiment” (01.2.1-LVPA-K-856) financed by the European Regional Development Fund. The project contract signed for EUR 461 618,75 budget, the total project budget is EUR 630 308,22.

The beginning of the implementation of project activities: 2020-07-01.
The end of the implementation of project activities: 2022-10-31.

Responsible person contact information:
E-mail: g.prusinskiene@sprana.eu; call: +370 652 72 122